HKMJ Vol 5 No 1 March 1999
What should be done about postnatal depression in
Hong Kong?
DTS Lee, TKH Chung
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prince of Wales Hospital,
Shatin, Hong Kong:
Department of Psychiatry
DTS Lee, MB, ChB, MRCPsych
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Postnatal depression is one of the most common forms of psychiatric morbidity of child-bearing and
causes a host of adverse psychosocial complications to the mother, the children, and the family. Recent
studies have shown that 12% of local women have postnatal depression and most of them receive no
meaningful medical attention. The validation of a local version of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression
Scale has made systematic screening for postnatal depression feasible. However, such a screening
programme must be backed up by well-resourced counselling and psychiatric services. Much remains to
be done if a reasonable level of post-partum psychological care is to be provided. Additional funding is
required to train nurse counsellors and set up postnatal mental health teams, as well as mother and child
Keywords Depressive disorder; Health services needs and demands; Pregnancy complications; Puerperal disorders
Corresponding : Dr DTS Lee.